A black and white dog and white dog standing next to each other outside

A New Home for Three Dogs

July 29, 2022

Happy homes come in many different shapes and sizes. Today we have an update on three dogs who are headed off on a new adventure – and their new home might not be what you expect.

During her stay at HSSW, Athena became a favorite among staff and volunteers. With their support and encouragement, she found confidence and joy in our backyard, running and playing with other shelter dogs. And while we found what made Athena happiest, we struggled to find what she needed most: A new home. 

Because of her circumstances before she arrived at HSSW, Athena’s perfect home has not been easy to find. She needs a large space with lots of other friendly dogs where she can run and play off-leash, a place removed from the stressful and confusing human world. But through a special partnership, we found just that. Athena – along with her friends Oreo and Nymira – will soon arrive at Best Friends Animal Society in Utah. 

Nimera, a rowdy husky mix loves playing with other dogs, but struggles with basic manners and needs the personal attention that just isn't practical in a shelter environment. Oreo, a large shepherd mix has been an HSSW resident for many months. This shy, gentle giant struggled to find comfort with even the slightest interactions with our staff and volunteers. For both of these dogs - like Athena - a typical shelter environment doesn't meet their unique needs.

Best Friends, one of the premiere animal welfare groups in the country, offers acres of space for dogs just like Athena, Nimyra, and Oreo. They will spend their days with other playful dogs, and under the expert guidance of the team at Best Friends, continue the work they started here at HSSW, gaining confidence and learning to trust the people around them.

Animal welfare organizations rely on strong networks of partners working together to find the best outcomes for animals. Each animal comes to us with its own story and unique needs, and we do everything we can to meet those needs and put them on a path to a second chance for a happy home. With the support of partners, staff, volunteers, and generous supporters like you, HSSW offers many different lifesaving pathways to our animals: a way out of overcrowded shelters; relief and rescue from inhumane conditions; critical medical care; and behavioral rehabilitation. For dogs with complex needs, like Athena, Oreo and Nymira, that path may be a little longer, but they are safe and loved along the way.

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